“People always tell me not to be extreme. ‘Be reasonable!’ they say. But I never felt it did any good to be reasonable about anything in conservation, because what you give away will never come back — ever.”
– Martin Litton
Mission Statement
Biodiversity First! (BDF!) Working to preserve and protect the wild lands and species upon which we depend for our own physical and spiritual survival.

Formed in March 2015 by a group of environmental and political activists in response to shared concern over loss of the last remaining critical habitats and connective corridors used by a plethora of endangered species in our western desert and grasslands throughout North America. Tired of having the natural world exploited and the ancient groundwaters diminished for the benefit of large agribusiness, power companies and an exploding human population, BDF!’s goal, whether through education, or public pressure, is to protect and preserve California species, habitats, migratory corridors, waterways, and surface and groundwater basins for the benefit of the biological biota as well as present and future generations of Homo sapiens. BDF! is a 501c3 non-profit, all volunteer organization, with 100% of proceeds working to achieve their goals. BDF! depend on generous donors like yourselves to continue this fight.
In times of great suffering and challenge to Earth, there emerge human beings who are called to serve and protect her Body. Biodiversity First! is one such emergent group of volunteers. Here in Central California, where great herds of tule elk and pronghorn antelope once raised enormous clouds of dust as they migrated across the Serengeti of the West, their stock is diminished and their very existence is threatened. The sacred California condor, the golden eagle, Swanson’s hawk, peregrine falcon: all need space to soar, to feed, to nest and breed. The tiny titmouse, the blunt-nosed leopard lizard, the shy kangaroo rat – all live together in commingled habitat, each dependent upon the others’ survival. Biodiversity First! is committed to speaking for them.
All volunteers are seasoned environmental activists who are committed to preserving biodiversity. Of what use will development be if humans are the only species left? We need to recognize that we are but one species among many – that our actions have caused the world crisis, and that only our actions can help to avert what we have put into play. Each member of Biodiversity First!’s Board contributes unique skills and original perspectives toward the fierce defense of life in these challenging times on Earth.
“We consider the extinction crisis the ‘Mother of All Crises,’ which must be dealt with even more force than climate change, although both must be confronted simultaneously. All of our work is ultimately focused on biodiversity conservation, for the entire ecosphere and its future depend on healthy, vibrant, and rich biodiversity. Without that, we might as well kiss our beautiful planet goodbye (at least for this geologic age), thanks to human stupidity and shortsightedness. Given current trends, that is looking more and more likely.”
– Work in Progress- A Twenty Year Retrospective, 1990-2010, Foundation for Deep Ecology and Conservacion Patagonica
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